Mallette Dental provides the following professional dental services every day at its Canton Ohio offices. Please schedule an appointment with us today — we will see you soon!
Cleaning & Exam
Preventive dentistry includes periodic oral examination, regular cleaning, Fluoride, oral and systemic disease identification and referral to specialists when particular conditions are suspected. An important part of preventive dentistry performed in our office is educating patients about at-home care, nutrition, and smoking cessation. Dr. Mallette and his dental staff explain proper brushing and flossing techniques, and may prescribe medications to help prevent dental disease.
Oral evaluation includes examination of the teeth and soft tissue, using visual and tactile exams, radiographic examination, and oral cancer screening. In addition, it includes techniques to diagnose periodontal, or gum disease. Conditions in the oral cavity may be indicative of systemic diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, or cancer.
We encourage prevention of oral diseases through proper hygiene and regular, twice yearly, checkups for professional cleaning and evaluation. The prophylaxis, or the cleaning of the teeth, will help removing accumulations of plaque and calculus.

Periodontal Therapy
Dr. Mallette provides primary periodontal (gum tissue) care and maintenance in order to improve attachment of the gums to your teeth. With regular evaluations and scalings, along with other treatments like Emdogain®, those with periodontal disease will better be able to keep their teeth for an extended time!
Jaw Pain Therapy
Many patients suffer jaw pain. Common symptoms include pain in or around the ear, tenderness of the jaw, clicking or popping noises when opening the mouth, or even headaches and neck aches. Our professional staff will identify the source of the jaw pain and offer solutions to reduce that pain.
Root Canal Therapy
With the latest techniques and equipment, Dr. Mallette makes root canals relatively simple and painless procedure. In addition, he completes most of them in one appointment. He saves your tooth by removing the diseased or injured pulp, cleaning the canal and sealing it off for protection. He then places a crown over the tooth to make it stronger.
Removing infected or extraneous teeth while minimizing trauma to the patient is our goal. It is important that the patients follow the post-op instructions given by the staff to ensure complete and quick healing.
Fluoride and sealants (tooth-colored material that fills the deep pits and grooves of teeth) may be applied to the primary and adult teeth to preserve enamel.
Sleep Apnea
Many patients have problems sleeping due to sleep apnea. Dr. Mallette makes sleep guards to wear at night that can greatly improve airflow and reduce snoring and blocked airways which results in a much more restful night of sleeping.
Sports Mouthguards
Playing sports? Dr. Mallette recommends creating custom-fitted mouth guards both for you and your children! Anytime anyone is involved in a sport or activity that could result in injury to the face or mouth, a mouth guard is a great idea. Mouth guards are specifically made to comfortably fit you or your child. The proper fit should allow the wearer to more easily talk and breath while still protecting the smile!